We wish you all the best Joanna!

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Today we bid a fond farewell to our much loved friend and colleague Joanna Young.

Joanna is leaving her role as Head of Client Services at Hotfoot and joining Citizens Advice North Lancashire to do something completely different, as a benefits adviser.

This change of career comes as no great surprise as Joanna is absolutely committed to helping others – as her work with Morecambe Food Bank (as Chair of Trustees) and Lancaster City Council (as a Green Party Councillor) demonstrates.

Since joining Hotfoot in 2017 Joanna has worked across a range of important projects and campaigns – from the youth homelessness prevention project, Breathing Space, to the initiatives supporting victims of crime by Restorative Solutions.

“I’ve loved working for Hotfoot, a dynamic, zingy, inspiring and extremely creative company where I have made some great friends and worked with some great clients. I’ll miss working with the team, I’ll miss the Storey and I’ll miss the myriad adventures of going to see clients, never quite knowing what we’ll find,” Joanna wrote today on Facebook.

“So, from flying to Geneva for lunch (thanks Gabrielle McNamara) to laughing at Charlie and Guy in beard snoods in a beauty factory, to attending Aidan Watt’s amazing wedding in Riga to winning at the Red Rose awards, it’s been a joy and an honour to work with my fabulous colleagues.”

We will miss Joanna’s passion, creativity and commitment.

But we know she will be putting her many talents and extraordinary drive to work in helping vulnerable people achieve better outcomes than would otherwise be possible. And that makes us all feel very proud.

We will miss you Joanna – and we wish you the absolute best in the future.

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